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Host an Elite Tournament at The Oaks Course

Elite tournaments at The OaksIt is that wonderful time of year again at The Oaks Course; its tournament season! We love hosting tournaments because we love giving our guest elite treatment. In fact, we think we specialize in putting glamour into your tournaments!

You might think our well-manicured course is the top of the line, but your tournament experience doesn’t stop there. We also offer a tournament package that includes many amenities like: golf carts staged with tournament team listings, bag loading, a formal greeting, rules of play, scoring after the event, and much more. If this elite treatment doesn’t already astound you, we also guarantee our exceptional service and attention to detail at every event.

Now you might think the tournament package is awesome, but you still want to customize your event. That is perfectly fine with us! You can personalize your event to have a hole in one contest, logo merchandise, or many other options.

Usually setting up a tournament is a lot of work, but here at The Oaks you’re the star. We make setting up a tournament simple. You just need to secure the date of your event, choose your package, and obtain any signage you need. Then sit back and enjoy the rest as we create the tournament of your dreams.

From the start to the finish of the tournament, it is our goal to deliver the elite golf feeling to your participants. We will make certain we exceed your expectations and deliver the difference of The Oaks Course to your players.

We hope to see you out on the course during the tournament season. It is one of our favorite seasons because we love meeting all the participants at The Oaks. If you’re interested in booking your tournament, come see us at the course! 

11240 Brown Bridge Road
Covington, GA 30014
(770) 786-3801