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Karens Corner- High School Reunion at The Oaks Course

We recently hosted the Newton County Class of 2004’s ten year high school reunion. It was a great time for the guest who attended. It was fun to watch all the people who haven’t seen each other in ten years get together and reminisce about the years they had together when adulthood seemed so far away. It has been a long time since I received my diploma, but I still remember every minute of that day.  

I have never gotten the opportunity to attend one of my reunions; that should give you a clue that there have been several. I think ten years would be the hardest, because you still want to impress the people you went to school with. I get shivers down my spine thinking about it. All I can think about is someone pulling out pictures of big hair and my majorette uniform with my thighs. It is enough to send me running and screaming “Don’t look at that, I thought I looked great, and clearly I was wrong”. After the tenth, you start to realize “who cares”.

I do think the tradition of reunions is great, regardless of any embarrassing pictures. The great thing about getting older is the ability to laugh at yourself. In order to look forward you have to look back. Those moments you shared have influenced you in a positive way and yes, sometimes negative. Regardless, it is a part of your life and should be remembered and celebrated.

Tell us some of your reunion stories on our Facebook page or Twitter; it is always fun to hear about other’s experiences. We need to laugh every day. I can’t wait to hear from you.

11240 Brown Bridge Road
Covington, GA 30014
(770) 786-3801