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Let The Oaks Course Prepare the Desserts for your Christmas Dinner!

One of the best parts of the holidays are desserts! But with so much to do already, it can be a challenge to cook an entire Christmas meal and make sure that you have delicious desserts prepared as well. With only a few days between now and Christmas, you may be running out of time to prepare the desserts that your guests are expecting on Thursday. If that is the case, don’t fret – The Oaks Course is here to save the day!

The Oaks Course has holiday desserts this year! We have cakes and pies that are available for purchase for your Christmas dinner. Stopping by and purchasing a dessert from us will take some of the stress of hosting the perfect Christmas meal off of you! You can choose from mouthwatering coconut cakes, red velvet cakes, carrot cakes, and pecan pies.

The previously listed desserts are not the easiest to bake, so let The Oaks Course help! Picking up a cake or pie (or both!) from The Oaks Course will make any complicated Christmas meal that much easier! Not to mention you and your guests will be completely satisfied!

The Oaks Course will be open until Christmas Day and any of their desserts are available for purchase during those hours. These yummy desserts can be purchased for only $20 and are well worth it. So this holiday, save the trouble and let The Oaks Course prepare them for you!

11240 Brown Bridge Road
Covington, GA 30014
(770) 786-3801