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A 15-Second Tip From Gary: Chipping

Golf Oaks Chipping Tips with GaryGolf is a sport centered around skill and technique. The more you can master your technique, the better your golf game will be. This week, The Oaks Course is offering a 15-second tip from our own golf professional, Gary Miller. In this week’s 15-second video, Gary explains the technique of chipping.

Simply defined, chipping is a finesse shot that is centered on hitting the ball when close to the green, in order to get the ball on the green or as close to the hole as you possibly can. Use the chipping technique from anywhere about 10 yards from the green or just off of it. By using chipping, you can more accurately get your ball on the green and closer to the hole.

In the video, Gary explained how to use the chipping technique in golf. To use chipping, be sure to keep the ball back in your stance and use the same large shoulder muscles that you would use during your putting stroke. In terms of your club, keep your hands in front of the ball. When moving through your down stroke, strike the ball with a firm, downward motion.

One problem you may run into while using the chipping technique is the mistake of decelerating through the ball. This can cause a chunked chip, typically resulting in the ball coming up short. It could also cause you to pull your hands up during the stroke, resulting in sending the ball too far over the green, or skulling the ball. Be sure to check out our 15 second tip on Chipping!

11240 Brown Bridge Road
Covington, GA 30014
(770) 786-3801