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Land Your Business Deal At The Oaks Course!

Are you looking for a way to generate more business within your business? Every business can offer great customer service and top of the line products – but can they add the personal touch? Building a strong relationship with a client is the way to a long-lasting business connection that will not only help you prosper, but make things easier for your clients as well.

If you are looking for a way to add the personal touch, The Oaks Course can help! Nothing mixes professionalism and fun as well as a round of golf does. The slower pace can encourage conversation; the actual game is something that you and your client have in common, which can easily get you and your client asking more personal questions that will turn your business relationship into a much more friendly one.

Several different bits of advice can be found for building a more personal relationship with your client out of golf. Some of the advice that we found while researching was from a Forbes article released in January 2013. Some of the advice that we found to be the most valuable was: “Be on time! If you’ve invited clients to join you, give yourself an adequate amount of time to arrive on time. You want to show them that you are responsible” and “Don’t be too competitive. The emphasis in a business golf setting should be on building rapport and trust with your playing partners.”

Getting to know your clients in person, and specifically over a round of golf, will let them learn about you, your values and your business in a way that an online LinkedIn profile or a Google search result could not. If you want to make a more personal impression on your clients, take them out for a round of golf at The Oaks Course! We’ll provide the beautiful course and friendly service; you bring the personal touch.

11240 Brown Bridge Road
Covington, GA 30014
(770) 786-3801