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Winter Cart Rules...WHY?

Winter Rules Explained


A common question that I get during the winter is  "when the course has a rain event, why are the cart rules “Path Only” for longer periods of time than in the warmer months?"  The main reason is that the bermudagrass turf is dormant. Since it is not actively growing, dormant tur will not uptake water. So, any amount of rainfall the course receives only passes through surface and subsurface drainage, as well as a small amount through evaporation.  When the turf is actively growing, it can uptake surprisingly high amounts of water, thus drying the course out much faster. The Oaks Course received 68” of rainfall in 2018--9.5” of that in December. We’ve started 2019 with 2.5” already, so we ask for your patience. Please abide by the cart rules to ensure ideal playing conditions for all players. Not only will it benefit the course, but you will get a little extra exercise walking to and from your cart---an easy way to make sure you achieve that New Year's Resolution.  

11240 Brown Bridge Road
Covington, GA 30014
(770) 786-3801