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Host an Elite Tournament at The Oaks Course

Elite tournaments at The OaksIt is that wonderful time of year again at The Oaks Course; its tournament season! We love hosting tournaments because we love giving our guest elite treatment. In fact, we think we specialize in putting glamour into your tournaments!

You might think our well-manicured course is the top of the line, but your tournament experience doesn’t stop there. We also offer a tournament package that includes many amenities like: golf carts staged with tournament team listings, bag loading, a formal greeting, rules of play, scoring after the event, and much more. If this elite treatment doesn’t already astound you, we also guarantee our exceptional service and attention to detail at every event.

Now you might think the tournament package is awesome, but you still want to customize your event. That is perfectly fine with us! You can personalize your event to have a hole in one contest, logo merchandise, or many other options.

Usually setting up a tournament is a lot of work, but here at The Oaks you’re the star. We make setting up a tournament simple. You just need to secure the date of your event, choose your package, and obtain any signage you need. Then sit back and enjoy the rest as we create the tournament of your dreams.

From the start to the finish of the tournament, it is our goal to deliver the elite golf feeling to your participants. We will make certain we exceed your expectations and deliver the difference of The Oaks Course to your players.

We hope to see you out on the course during the tournament season. It is one of our favorite seasons because we love meeting all the participants at The Oaks. If you’re interested in booking your tournament, come see us at the course! 

Karens Corner- Celebrate your "Unbirthday" at The Oaks Course!

Unbirthday at The Oaks CourseIf you have ever watched Alice in Wonderland than you know the song A Very Merry Unbirthday. This catchy tune will be stuck in your head all day long if you hear it! Here at The Oaks Course, we like to celebrate your birthday and your unbirthday.

You might wonder how we celebrate something as rare as an unbirthday. Well we have a special way that we do.

On the homepage of our website, you can sign up for our birthday club. The button to sign up is located on the bottom of the information section under Book Tee Times and Memberships.

When you sign up for our birthday club you will receive two special perks.  Every year on your birthday you will receive complimentary green fees. Can you think of a better way to spend you birthday? It sounds like the perfect way to celebrate to us at The Oaks Course.

Then as soon as you sign up you will receive a certificate for a complimentary bucket of balls. This is how you can celebrate your very special unbirthday.

You can redeem the free bucket of balls whenever you please. If you’re having a bad day and need a simple pick me up, you can come hit a bucket of balls. Or maybe you need some stress relief. Whatever the reason, bring in your certificate and celebrate your unbirthday with us.

Whatever the occasion we would love to celebrate with you at The Oaks Course.  We love hosting weddings, parties, and meetings. Just let us know why you’re coming in to visit us! 

Oh the Things You Will See at The Oaks

Dino at The OaksWhat is the strangest thing you have seen at The Oaks Course? Maybe it’s a weird golf outfit, or maybe it is a funky looking putter. We have spent many days lounging on the porch and sipping sweet tea. While we were lounging we have seen some funny things, but none are as unique as Dino.

Dino is the huge snapping turtle we saw last week. He wasn’t near any water… he was cruising around the parking lot! We think he might be a car fanatic because he was hanging out by the cars. Whatever the reason is we are glad he visited because he was a unique sighting!

You might wonder why we named him Dino. Well if you ever have the chance to meet him in person you will know why. This snapping turtle is as big as a dinosaur! His chompers are just as scary as one too.

We tried talking to Dino but he didn’t seem to be as social as Sunshine or Coco. He just wanted to look at the cars and not be disturbed. Although, he did seem fascinated by the golfers at the driving range. Maybe we will see him picking up some clubs soon.

We know you have probably seen some unique things around the golf course. Seeing a snapping turtle isn’t the strangest thing we’ve seen but it is a unique thing we have seen. Come visit us at Putters and let us know what you’ve seen on the course. We love to hear who are newest visitors are! 

Have you met the new kids on The Oaks Course?

If you have visited The Oaks Course lately, you have noticed all the killdeer nests around the course. Recently, we told you about our favorite killdeer Sunshine. This happy little birdy had been protecting a nest on our course. Just this week, her little eggs hatched!

We are happy to announce that we have seen Sunshine has two happy little chicks. We believe the twins are a boy and a girl- we call them Shotgun and Sandy (short for Sandtrap). They are the happiest little chicks!

We first heard them squawking this weekend. When we went to check what was happening, we saw Sunshine was happily feeding her little chickies all the worms she could find. 

However these precocious little birds didn’t stay in the nest for long! They must have been born with their eyes open because as soon as their little feathers were dry they were running around. They were following in their mom’s footsteps and helping her find dinner.

While the babies can’t fly yet, they sure can run! Sunshine has already taken the babies to visit Coco. When the babies saw the massive fish they got so scared they ran for the hills! We thought at the speed they were going they could make it to Alabama in an hour.

If you come visit us at The Oaks, sit on our back porch. Soon we will be supplying binoculars and you will be able to watch our happy little killdeer troop around. While you’re bird watching you can enjoy a glass of wine and lunch at putters. Doesn’t that sound like the perfect way to spend a southern afternoon? 

Karens Corner- Don't Forget the Clubs!

Funny Golf Kid StoryDo you have any funny golf stories? Some people accidently drive golf carts into the ponds while others have stories about their competitors. We have written a lot about how our golf pro, Gary Miller, is passionate about golf. This funny story he told us at The Oaks is about how is passion made him forget an important part of the game.

If you have read our other blogs, it can sound like Gary likes to play golf alone, however that’s not completely true. He also likes to play with his two young kids. The first time Gary visited with his kids from Athens he was so excited that a funny incident occurred.

Gary told me that he and his kids woke up early to come play morning golf at The Oaks Course. He made sure to pack up the kids clubs the night before because he was prone to forgetting them. Then they went to sleep for the night.

Early the next day, he and the kids left the house to visit The Oaks Course. As soon as Gary parked at The Oaks, he realized something important. While he had remembered to pack the kids clubs he had completely forgotten to pack his own!

Luckily, Gary made the best of the day by making it a practice day for his kids. He was sad he missed out on practicing his swing, but he loved spending the day with his kids at The Oaks.

When Nancy Schulz heard about the incident she said, “He was so excited to come here he forgot his own clubs- at least he remembered the kids!”

Do you have a funny golf story like Gary does? Let us know what your funny golf stories are! We love to enjoy a good laugh while lunching at Putters. We hope to see you at on the course enjoying a laugh and the outdoors. 

11240 Brown Bridge Road
Covington, GA 30014
(770) 786-3801